Posts tagged vegetarian

Roasted celeriac with mung beans forestière fricassée and tarragon oil
27 years ago
Céleri-rave rôti, fricassée forestière de haricot mungo et huile d’estragon
I have been neglecting my blog recently, and I feel I should refocus my attention on it. I guess not having too much time is the reason, but maybe because as we say “j’ai la tête ailleurs” (I have my head somewhere [...]

Weird translation – Vegetarian couscous with cauliflower “semoule”
07 years ago
traduction bizarre – couscous végétarien avec semoule de chou fleur
I just realized that I took the pictures and I forgot to add the chick peas…too late!
I love this dish, I wouldn’t have thought I would have loved it so much but the cauliflower “semoule” goes so well with it. There is a little [...]

Encore vegan – Jeanette of wild mushrooms, cauliflower and garlic-herb paste
07 years ago
Encore vegan – Jeanette tapissée aux herbes et garnie de champignons sauvages et choufleur
I am not sure how to call this…it’s not a pizza, not a tart, not a galette, and not sure it fits into the flat bread category. So I decided to call it a Jeanette. Jeanette is a female’s old fashioned name, [...]

Einkorn pasta with oyster king mushrooms and carrot pesto
08 years ago
Penne Einkorn con funghi selvatici e pesto di carote
A friend of mine, brought me Einkorn flour…and was telling me all about the benefits of einkorn. The question is what is einkorn? Einkorn is an ancient grain form the spelt family, and originally from Italy. Einkorn is the German name for petit [...]

Carrots, carrots and more carrots – Black lentils on carrot purée, roasted carrots, shave carrots and fried leeks
08 years ago
Carottes et encore des carottes – Lentilles noires sur purée de carotte, carottes rôties, et poireaux frits
If you are a carrot fan, this is your dish.
After my wonderful trip to Portland, I came back very inspired. This is a Portland inspired dish, that I ate at Coquine restaurant. Basically, [...]

Beet carpaccio with raspberries and raspberry vinegar dressing, goat yogurt herb sauce
08 years ago
Carpaccio de betteraves aux framboises et vinaigre de framboises, sauce yaourt grec, ail, citron et menthe
I love weekends, especially when I have enough time to explore new recipes and cook. That is my perfect weekend, and even more perfect when my experiments turn out delicious.
Strangely [...]

Buckwheat pasta with roasted beets and beet leaves pesto
08 years ago
Tagliatelle al grano saraceno con barbabietole e pesto con foglie di barbabietole
Don’t throw away the green leaves of the root vegetables, they’re completely eatable and delicious. Beets are a zero waste vegetable. You can prepare the beet leaves like any other greens. Saute it, raw in salads, [...]

No flour pizza – Cauliflower crust pizza with mushrooms, fontina, cherry tomatoes and basil
08 years ago
by silvia
in Vegetarian - dairy
La pizza senza farina – Pizza con impasto al cavolfiore, funghi, fontina pomodori e basilico
I wanted to take more different pictures of this pizza with a more close up on a cut slice but unfortunately, my battery went off, so all I had time to take was a whole pizza uncut.
Since everyone has been [...]

Zucchini three ways – Farro with zucchini, shiitake, peas, zucchini cream and marinated zucchini ribbons
08 years ago
Trio de courgettes – Épeautre aux courgettes, champignons shiitake, pois, crème de courgettes, et courgettes marinées
Today I am celebrating zucchini, this vegetable that is quite considered ordinary, with not a lot of character. It’s its day of glory (son jour de gloire) and it’s well deserved. [...]

Like in Kyoto – Daikon steak
08 years ago
Comme à Kyoto – Steak de Daikon
After a recent trip to Japan I came back with tons of recipes, ideas, inspirations, and a fascination for this wonderful country. Needless to say that for someone like me who spends most of her time cooking, and who loves to cook, Japan is the place to go. [...]