Posts tagged cauliflower

Weird translation – Vegetarian couscous with cauliflower “semoule”
07 years ago
traduction bizarre – couscous végétarien avec semoule de chou fleur
I just realized that I took the pictures and I forgot to add the chick peas…too late!
I love this dish, I wouldn’t have thought I would have loved it so much but the cauliflower “semoule” goes so well with it. There is a little [...]

Encore vegan – Jeanette of wild mushrooms, cauliflower and garlic-herb paste
07 years ago
Encore vegan – Jeanette tapissée aux herbes et garnie de champignons sauvages et choufleur
I am not sure how to call this…it’s not a pizza, not a tart, not a galette, and not sure it fits into the flat bread category. So I decided to call it a Jeanette. Jeanette is a female’s old fashioned name, [...]

No flour pizza – Cauliflower crust pizza with mushrooms, fontina, cherry tomatoes and basil
08 years ago
by silvia
in Vegetarian - dairy
La pizza senza farina – Pizza con impasto al cavolfiore, funghi, fontina pomodori e basilico
I wanted to take more different pictures of this pizza with a more close up on a cut slice but unfortunately, my battery went off, so all I had time to take was a whole pizza uncut.
Since everyone has been [...]

Salmon à l’unilatérale, cauliflower purée and warm Moroccan carrot salad
09 years ago
Saumon à l’unilatérale, purée de chou fleur, et salade tiède de carottes à la marocaine
This is a very easy and simple dish, fast to make, less than 30 minutes, and light. It’s one of those dishes I prepare when I have little time but still want to feel nourished. It would fit in the “fast [...]

Life is beautiful this way – Warm salad of curried roasted cauliflower, bell peppers and yams with lemon poppy seed vinaigrette
09 years ago
La vie est belle comme ça- Salade tiède chou fleur au curry, poivrons, et patate douce, vinaigrette au graines de pavot et citron
We can go simple with a few ingredients, and get a flavorful and nutritious salad. Plant based meals make me happy and in a good mood, as much as running does. So [...]

Cauliflower party – Whole roasted and marinated cauliflower, bell pepper salsa
010 years ago
Le chou fleur en fête – Chou fleur entier rôti, poivrons grillés marinés
I was reading an article on cauliflower on a French magazine, and I thought I would like to try roasting it whole. What a wonderful idea to slowly cook a whole cauliflower in the oven, rubbed with herbs and spices. For [...]

In the wide world of galettes – Cauliflower and zucchini galettes, bed of carrots, yogurt sauce
010 years ago
Dans le vaste monde des galettes – Galettes de chou fleur et courgettes, sur lit de carottes rapées et sauce yaourt
I am so happy about the time change, days seems longer, they are definitely brighter. I am very ready for spring and everything it brings us.
This recipe features one more [...]

Very cauliflower – Cauliflower steak with brown rice risotto, truffle oil, carrot purée and basil jus
412 years ago
Très chou fleur – Steak de chou fleur, risotto au riz brun, huile de truffe, purée de carottes et jus de basilic
I am wondering why some people don’t like cauliflower, is it the texture? the flavor? what is it that some people really hate cauliflower? I find it to be such a delightful vegetable, [...]

Light Sunday treat – Spicy shrimps on a bed cauliflower mash
1014 years ago
Légères gourmandises du dimanche – Crevettes épicées sur lit de chou fleur
San Francisco has been under the rain today, and it might be a sign that fall is very much around, warning you that more rainy days are on their way.
Even though, it’s not Thanksgiving yet, I am already thinking about the [...]

Cauliflower adventures – Cauliflower and saffron cappuccino with clams
Les aventures d’un chou fleur – Cappuccino de chou fleur au saffran et praires
Sorry about two cauliflower recipes in a row, I was convinced I used the nine of them I had in my case, then I found this one, that needed to be consumed or would go bad. Since I never throw away food (or at least I [...]