Posts tagged cardamom

For French mother’s day – Sauté shrimps with cardamom and blackberry coulis
3314 years ago
Pour la fête des mères – Crevettes sautées à la cardamome et au coulis de mûres
I have felt the whole day as if today was Sunday…what a “tête en l’air” (head in the air) that would translate into air-headed, I do not have that particular reputation but today it really felt like a Sunday to me, the [...]

My first American cake – Carrot and walnut cake with cardamom
Mon premier gâteau americain – Gâteau aux carottes, noix et cardamome
This is an odd and very bright picture of the cake but I have so much light under my window with direct sun light to the table, that could not manage to shoot with a more subtle lighting. The picture is incredibly bright, you [...]

A small je ne sais quoi – Ricotta cake with honey, raisins, cranberries, candied orange, and spices
715 years ago
Un petit goût de pain d’épices qui me plait bien – Gâteau de ricotta au miel, raisins secs, oranges confites et épices
This has been something that arrived out of the blue after a crazy wedding weekend…ricotta is an ingredient I like to put everywhere, and I love it particularly in desserts.
On [...]