Posts tagged spices
À la va-vite -Tomato and chickpea soup with spices and saute tofu
06 years ago
A la va-vite – Soupe de tomates et pois chiches aux épices et tofu sauté
I had to find something quick to make for lunch today, I just had 45 min to prepare and eat my lunch so that was a bit of challenge. For a fast food dish, I can say that this was a well done project. This soup is flavorful, [...]
Table for two – Marinated monkfish medallions with eggplant purée and lemon confit
111 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Table pour deux – Médaillons de lotte marinés aux épices, purée d’aubergine aux citrons confits
I realized this blog really lacks meat recipes, even though I cook it for clients every weeks, I don’t really eat it, (unless I am forced with a stick!!), I just taste it for seasoning, so I would say [...]
A flavor of Belgium – Spéculoos with almonds and cinnamon essential oil
Un goût de Belgique – Spéculoos aux amandes et huile essentielle de cannelle
Belgium is a tiny country, but it sure does how to make cookies. I grew up with spéculoos, probably because I lived close to the Belgium border.
My friend Laurent who is Parisian never heard of Spéculoos. So that’s why I [...]
A small je ne sais quoi – Ricotta cake with honey, raisins, cranberries, candied orange, and spices
715 years ago
Un petit goût de pain d’épices qui me plait bien – Gâteau de ricotta au miel, raisins secs, oranges confites et épices
This has been something that arrived out of the blue after a crazy wedding weekend…ricotta is an ingredient I like to put everywhere, and I love it particularly in desserts.
On [...]
The angry crêpe- Spinach crêpes stuffed with crab and prawns in a spicy and creamy tomato sauce
415 years ago
La crêpe est verte - Crêpes d’épinards farcies au crabe et crevettes dans une sauce épicée légerement crémeuse de tomates et herbes
In French, the expression “être vert” “to be green”, means to be mad. So we have a green crêpe today, a pretty mad and angry one. Then it got filled with crab and [...]
A little craving for quinoa – Spicy quinoa with asparagus, peas and carrots
Une petite envie de quinoa – Quinoa épicé aux asperges, pois et carottes
A little quinoa bowl is enough for a light dinner with a salad. Especially that today I did not have any energy whatsoever. Muggy and awfully grey weather, friends moving out of the Bay Area, is not helping with the [...]