Posts tagged cookies
For the little hole – Oatmeal cookies with cashews and dark chocolate
17 years ago
Pour le petit creux – Biscuits à l’avoine, noix de cajou et chocolat noir
This translation from French into English does not work. When we say “j’ai un petit creux” that translates literally into “I have a little hole“, but it means “I have a hole in my stomach“, so that “I am a little hungry“. [...]
It’s cute and can be eaten too – Mini madeleines with tangerine and cointreau
712 years ago
C’est mignon et ça se mange – Mini madeleines à la tangerine et cointreau
I cannot believe it took me a month to post those. Where did the time go? I miss the days I was able to post more often and I hope that things will slow down soon.
As you know, in the US, everything is big and in France [...]