Posts tagged oats

For the little hole – Oatmeal cookies with cashews and dark chocolate
17 years ago
Pour le petit creux – Biscuits à l’avoine, noix de cajou et chocolat noir
This translation from French into English does not work. When we say “j’ai un petit creux” that translates literally into “I have a little hole“, but it means “I have a hole in my stomach“, so that “I am a little hungry“. [...]

Banana cake with oats and oat brans
08 years ago
Quand on a envie de banane! – Cake à la banane et flocons d’avoine
I think I am getting into a “oat phase” these days. I try to put oats and oat bran wherever I can. Oat bran, oat flour, rolled oats, anything oat makes me happy, besides I love my fibers. I had bought too many bananas (I forgot I [...]

Oats, pear and almond muffins
08 years ago
Muffins à l’avoine, poires et amandes
Usually for breakfast I like my multi grain toasts with no desire to change but once in a while I like to treat myself with some fancy little bites like these ones. I would have called those mini cakes (which in French gâteaux are what those are), but I feel [...]

My little melting heart – Broccoli and oats galettes stuffed with mozzarella, harissa sauce with roasted red pepper
615 years ago
Mon petit coeur fondant – Galettes de broccoli, avoine, au coeur de mozzarella, sauce harissa aux poivrons grillés
Don’t you love when your refrigerator is filled with vegetables? You open the door and all you can see is a bundle of colors. Unfortunately, today, I only had a bunch of broccoli [...]