Posts tagged gluten free

For the little hole – Oatmeal cookies with cashews and dark chocolate
17 years ago
Pour le petit creux – Biscuits à l’avoine, noix de cajou et chocolat noir
This translation from French into English does not work. When we say “j’ai un petit creux” that translates literally into “I have a little hole“, but it means “I have a hole in my stomach“, so that “I am a little hungry“. [...]

Black bean spaghetti with Brussels sprouts, mint and lemon pesto
Spaghetti aux haricots noirs, pesto de choux de Bruxelles, menthe et citron
I found those high protein, low carbs spaghetti. They’re made with black bean flour and water. I was very intrigued by those and obviously needed to try them. The same brand also sells edamame noodles, with the same [...]

Borlotti beans galette, sauté baby kale, and roasted red pepper sauce
09 years ago
Borlotti galettes, chou vert sauté, et sauce épicée de poivrons grillés
I called these galettes, anything in that particular shape, is a galette to me, but it can also be called borlotti burger, you can eat them as is, in a middle of a bun, or dress them up a little like I did, it’s all up to [...]

So coconut – Coconut mini cakes
09 years ago
Si noix de coco – Mini gâteaux tout noix de coco
Spring is here and I am just excited about a new season coming. I love spring, except for the allergies due to pollen. Hopefully this year will be mild allergy season.
One of the simple things that make me happy in life is eating coconut ice [...]

Gluten free almond cake
010 years ago
Gâteau aux amandes sans gluten
I have been playing around with this recipe for a while, changing quantities and I finally managed to like this version which is moist and soft.
I am not necessarily pro or against gluten. I think if people have problems with it, then it should be removed from one’s [...]

Let’s go green – Multi grain rotini with zucchini and spinach pesto
010 years ago
Rotini con zucchine et pesto di spinaci
This will be my last post before I fly to France, for my bi-yearly trip to visit the family.
I discovered this pasta while looking for an alternative for a gluten-free client. It’s basically pasta made with quinoa, amaranth and brown rice flour. At first I [...]