Posts tagged egg


My little volcano – Egg nests in a green crater

Mon petit volcan – Nids d’oeufs en cratère vert I got inspired  by a very popular Turkish dish called “Mthlama” made out of Swiss chards, onions, mint and eggs. I used kale in this dish, simply because I love the texture of a thicker green leaf. Turkish cuisine has combined flavors of [...]

The no-guilt fish – Brioche toasts with smoke marinated herrings, grilled onions and egg, avocado sauce

Le poisson qui ne rend pas coupable – Toasts de brioche, aux filets de harengs marines, oignons grillés, oeuf et sauce à l’avocat Thanks so much to everyone who shared its experience with bad hair cuts the other day, not that I felt better when looking at myself in the mirror but at least I know [...]
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