Posts tagged greens

À la va-vite -Tomato and chickpea soup with spices and saute tofu
07 years ago
A la va-vite – Soupe de tomates et pois chiches aux épices et tofu sauté
I had to find something quick to make for lunch today, I just had 45 min to prepare and eat my lunch so that was a bit of challenge. For a fast food dish, I can say that this was a well done project. This soup is flavorful, [...]

It’s eatable – Sauté beet leaves with cumin, garlic and raisins
09 years ago
Ça se mange – Fanes de betteraves sautées au cumin, ail et raisins secs
This morning I went shopping and I had beets on the menu…as usual this store (which I am not going to mention) never has what I need, some days there are no leeks, no scallions or no basmati rice, or no won ton wrappers, [...]

Rockfish in coconut sauce, roasted yams, sauté greens with chili, garlic and lemon zest
010 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Sébaste au lait de coco, patates douces grillées et pissenlits sautés à l’ail, piment, et zestes de citron
Hello 2015!
I cannot believe and still completely shocked to what happened to the country I grew up in, with the atrocious terrorist attack at Charlie Hebdo in Paris last week. And yes “La [...]

My little volcano – Egg nests in a green crater
2014 years ago
Mon petit volcan – Nids d’oeufs en cratère vert
I got inspired by a very popular Turkish dish called “Mthlama” made out of Swiss chards, onions, mint and eggs. I used kale in this dish, simply because I love the texture of a thicker green leaf.
Turkish cuisine has combined flavors of [...]

A cozy nest – quail eggs in purple potato nest with smoked salmon, chive sauce on a bed of lemon greens
115 years ago
Un nid bien douillet – oeufs de caille en nid de vitelotte et saumon fumé, sauce ciboulette sur verdures melangées au citron
Quail eggs…have you ever seen something cuter? They’re very popular in France to add to any appetizer but unfortunately they are not available everywhere in the US. Whole [...]