Posts tagged mache

Mes petits choux – Prosciutto wrapped Brussels sprouts on mâche salad and roasted pepper vinaigrette
Mon petit chou – Choux de Bruxelles enrobés de prosciutto sur lit de mâche et vinaigrette de poivrons grillés
This is truly a fun way to eat Brussels sprouts. In case you thought they were a tiny intimidating or boring, or just unappealing, you can play with them so they become exciting. It’s true [...]

A thought for Boby – Mâche salad with shrimps on corn purée and truffle oil
Une pensée pour Boby – Salade de Mâche aux crevettes sur purée de maïs et huile de truffe
Don’t you guys love truffles? I grew up eating them, since my father himself grew up in Italy in a region producing lots of truffles, so when he moved to France he brought with him a dog called Boby, whom he [...]

The cheese from the pretty Island – Mâche salad with grilled pears and haloumi – thyme and lemon vinaigrette
1915 years ago
Le fromage de la belle île – Salade de mâche aux poires grillées et haloumi – vinaigrette au thym et citron
I met haloumi cheese in the US, I never saw it in France nor Italy. Maybe because France has about 400 kinds of cheeses, so they don’t have any lacking in that category, you can eat one [...]