Posts tagged haloumi

Some kind of fast food – Chickpea, red pepper and herb salad with grilled haloumi
111 years ago
Un genre de fast food – Salade de pois chiches et poivrons aux herbes et haloumi
When I go to the store, I buy everything I get attracted to, so when I go to the store hungry, I get attracted to everything in the store. That’s what they say don’t go shopping when you’re hungry, which is [...]

Spring, here we are – Grilled beets, sweet potato and haloumi kebabs with arugula-lime dipping sauce
913 years ago
Printemps, nous voilà – Brochettes grillées de betteraves, patates douces et haloumi, sauce de roquette et citron vert
Who said kekabs have to be with meat? you can do anything you usually do with meat using vegetables, some vegetables are more adapted to certain cooking methods, but are [...]

I am in love again – Vegetable and haloumi skewers on mâche salad with fava beans – roasted bell pepper, capers and lemon vinaigrette
2614 years ago
Je suis encore tombée amoureuse – Brochettes de haloumi et courgettes sur salade de mâche aux fèves – vinaigrette de poivrons grillés, citron et câpres
Have you ever felt this strong chemistry with someone you just meet for the first few seconds, without even talking just by the energy that this [...]

The cheese from the pretty Island – Mâche salad with grilled pears and haloumi – thyme and lemon vinaigrette
1915 years ago
Le fromage de la belle île – Salade de mâche aux poires grillées et haloumi – vinaigrette au thym et citron
I met haloumi cheese in the US, I never saw it in France nor Italy. Maybe because France has about 400 kinds of cheeses, so they don’t have any lacking in that category, you can eat one [...]