Posts tagged pudding
Breakfast and lunch – Chia pudding with coconut, pistachios and banana
110 years ago
Petit-déjeûner et déjeûner – Puddng de graines de chia à la noix de coco, pistaches et bananes
Since chia is all over the place, and that everyone is talking about it in the nutrition world as a miracle little seed, I decided to try it out too. I used to sprinkle it on top of yogurt or fruits, but [...]
Simplissime – Banana, caramel and rum pudding
813 years ago
Simplissime – Pudding à la banane, caramel et rhum
If you are not a cook, nor a pastry chef, this would be for you…How a dessert can more simple? Besides, it’s quite light, so in my book all the attributes to be called a perfect dessert. I think as a “petite chose sucrée“, a little sweet thing to [...]
Pudding or not pudding? – Mini mango, coconut and brioche pudding with caramel
Pudding or not pudding? – Mini pudding à la mangue, noix de coco et brioche au caramel
I am not sure this can be called pudding, but a friend of mine came for dinner some time ago and I served her this as a dessert, and she said with enthusiasm “Oh Silvia! j’adore ton pudding!!”, so I figured she [...]