Posts tagged banana

Banana cake with oats and oat brans
08 years ago
Quand on a envie de banane! – Cake à la banane et flocons d’avoine
I think I am getting into a “oat phase” these days. I try to put oats and oat bran wherever I can. Oat bran, oat flour, rolled oats, anything oat makes me happy, besides I love my fibers. I had bought too many bananas (I forgot I [...]

Best friends – Banana, chocolate and coconut rolls
010 years ago
Meilleurs amis – Rouleaux de brick à la banane, chocolat, noix de coco et pistaches
Quel est le meilleur ami de la banane si ce n’est que le chocolat? What’s banana’s best friend other than chocolate? During my trip to France, I brought back some brick sheets. Here is some more info on those [...]

The fancy banana – Banana “en papillote” with vanilla and rum
La banane se fait chic – Banane en papillote à la vanille et rhum
Yes, this one is definitely my last post before I fly to France next week. I was going through one of my books called “La cuisine de Bistrot” from Tomawalk Editions, yesterday and this recipe really caught my eye. This is such a [...]

Simplissime – Banana, caramel and rum pudding
813 years ago
Simplissime – Pudding à la banane, caramel et rhum
If you are not a cook, nor a pastry chef, this would be for you…How a dessert can more simple? Besides, it’s quite light, so in my book all the attributes to be called a perfect dessert. I think as a “petite chose sucrée“, a little sweet thing to [...]

Monday crisy crisp – Warm mango, banana and pineapple crisp with mascarpone cream
Le petit croustillant du lundi – Croustillant chaud de mangue, banane et ananas, crème au mascarpone
I adore filo dough but never use it. Do you believe it? I can drool over appetizers and desserts made with filo dough but when it’s time to buy it, I always forget or buy something else. So people [...]

Papillotes meli-melo – Mixed fruits with honey, raisins, pistachios and coconut in parchment paper
615 years ago
Méli-mélo de papillotes – Pommes, poires et bananes au miel, raisins, pistaches et noix de coco en papillotes avec glace vanille
Des pommes, des poires et des….bananes!! I have been thinking about those papillottes for so long. I thought about them kept thinking about them, and always made [...]

Small dessert for a Friday afternoon – Almond milk tapioca flan with coconut and banana
Petit dessert pour un vendredi après-midi – Flan de tapioca au lait d’amandes, noix de coco et banane
Travels always leave you some special memories, flavors, and sensations…My trip to Japan left me with an incredible and delightful sweet sensation I will remember for the rest of my [...]