Posts tagged curry
Grilled tofu and eggplant, brown rice noodles, sauté wild mushrooms, coconut curry émulsion, crispy dulse seaweed
Tofu et aubergines grillées, nouilles de riz brun, champignons sauvages, sauce coco curry
I am going back to my phase of vegan cuisine. Once in a while I just want to eat plants only, it makes me happy. I usually do have an 85% plant based diet, but I want to be 100% plant based for a couple of [...]
Life is beautiful this way – Warm salad of curried roasted cauliflower, bell peppers and yams with lemon poppy seed vinaigrette
09 years ago
La vie est belle comme ça- Salade tiède chou fleur au curry, poivrons, et patate douce, vinaigrette au graines de pavot et citron
We can go simple with a few ingredients, and get a flavorful and nutritious salad. Plant based meals make me happy and in a good mood, as much as running does. So [...]
Rockfish in coconut sauce, roasted yams, sauté greens with chili, garlic and lemon zest
010 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Sébaste au lait de coco, patates douces grillées et pissenlits sautés à l’ail, piment, et zestes de citron
Hello 2015!
I cannot believe and still completely shocked to what happened to the country I grew up in, with the atrocious terrorist attack at Charlie Hebdo in Paris last week. And yes “La [...]
A gratin among others – Mussels and leek gratin with curry sauce
312 years ago
A gratin parmi tant d’autres – Gratin de moules et poireaux au curry
This is probably my last post before I fly to France, next week. I have to fly for family reasons and looking forward to it. June in France is my favorite month, the days are long and it’s still light until 10 pm. Since my mom [...]
Light Sunday treat – Spicy shrimps on a bed cauliflower mash
1014 years ago
Légères gourmandises du dimanche – Crevettes épicées sur lit de chou fleur
San Francisco has been under the rain today, and it might be a sign that fall is very much around, warning you that more rainy days are on their way.
Even though, it’s not Thanksgiving yet, I am already thinking about the [...]
The other grean bean – Curry Mung beans galettes and tofu-garlic dipping sauce
L’autre haricot vert – Galettes de haricots mung au curry, et sauce tofu à l’ail
I don’t often cook with mung beans, but once in a while I like to eat them, they’re so cute and round and tiny with a little white eye staring at you.
Of course, I didn’t grow up eating those beans since they’re [...]
Is it really Israeli? – Israeli couscous with curry vegetables
Est-ce vraiment Israélien? – Matfoul aux légumes et curry
I discovered this type of couscous in the US. I had never seen it before, so I started experimenting with it when I had some Israeli clients. I was so happy I found something “Israeli” to cook for them, but when they told me it was not [...]
The "Three Tries" theory – Tofu "polpette" with curry, leeks, carrots and sesame – Avocado and tomato salad
La teoria delle “Tre Prove” – Polpette di tofu al curry con porri, carote, e grani di sesamo, insalatina di pomodori e avocado
I heard so many terrible tofu complaints from so many people that I need to defend this poor little white thingy. I don’t want tofu to be the “forgotten” ingredient, and [...]
Round and spicy – Stuffed round zucchini with curried lentils
315 years ago
Rondes et épicées – Courgettes rondes farcies de lentilles au curry
Another version of stuffed zucchini, those are the round kind and this recipe has a little exotic twist with the curry and other spices in it. I think this kind of zucchini is really made to be stuffed, they have a very inviting [...]
Someone suffocated the cod – Cod in parchment paper with zucchini, carrots and coconut milk with cauliflower purée
1315 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Quelqu’un a étouffé le cabillaud – Cabillaud en papillotte aux courgettes, carottes et lait de coco, avec purée de pomme de terres et chou fleur
I really love fish in parchment paper, it makes a beautiful presentation, it keeps the fish moist and very flavorful. When you open up the papillotte, [...]