Posts tagged chards


Treadmill thoughts with Laurent – Lentils, roasted red pepper and kale salad with Labne tartine and eggplant purée

Recettes du tapis roulant avec Laurent – Salade de lentilles, aux poivrons grillés et chou vert – tartine de labne et purée d’aubergines My friend Laurent is French but he grew up in Tunis ( we keep each other company on the treadmill in the mornings), always shares with me his childhood memories [...]

Addicted to octopus – Chards with octopus and ginger orange dressing

Accro au poulpe – Blettes et poulpe à la vinaigrette de gingembre et citron Well after about one month of no blogging, and taking a break from it, I had to come back to my old life simply because I am starting to miss it. I apologize for disappearing this way, without really no explanation. I want [...]

The poor soup – Passatelli revisited with chards and carrots

La povera zuppa – Passatelli in brodo vegetale con bietole e carote I had a conversation with my mom this morning, she told me she made passatelli, suddenly I got the irresistible urge to make them too. When I lived at home, I was never a fan of them, probably because that soup was served way too [...]

Rock and Rolls purple rain – Rolls with chards and goat cheese, heirloom tomato dipping sauce

Rock and Rolls purple rain – Rouleaux aux blettes et chèvre, sauce aux tomates anciennes I consider those to be Mediterranean tapas, actually tapas don’t have to be Spanish, or do they? …a small bite can be a tapas in my opinion.  I am not too familiar with Spanish traditions but it seems like [...]
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