Posts tagged ginger

Addicted to octopus – Chards with octopus and ginger orange dressing
1814 years ago
Accro au poulpe – Blettes et poulpe à la vinaigrette de gingembre et citron
Well after about one month of no blogging, and taking a break from it, I had to come back to my old life simply because I am starting to miss it. I apologize for disappearing this way, without really no explanation. I want [...]

The salad of all seasons – Warm spinach salad with shrimps, langoustines and edamame with a ginger lime vinaigrette
La salade de toutes saisons – Salade tiède d’épinards, crevettes, langoustines et edamame, vinaigrette au gingembre et citron vert
Yes spring is on its way, well some days it feels like summer, then the following day the rain keeps pouring but I just want to believe spring is coming (never under [...]

The tartine that works an appetite – Salmon tartine with a ginger, caper, mustard and herb dressing
615 years ago
La tartine qui met en appétit – Tartine de saumon au gingembre, câpres, et herbes mixtes
After a beautiful and sunny day, we are back to the grisaille, which literally translates to “greyness”, the good thing about this type of weather is that you can stay home and cook. hat would be the positive [...]