Posts tagged entree
Smoke salmon, broccoli purée and spinach timbale, dill sauce
010 years ago
Timbale de purée de brocoli, épinards et saumon fumé, sauce aneth
I had some broccoli that I needed to use, and I did not feel like eating them in pieces, so I figured if I made purée, what else could I combine them with. One thing led to one other and one thought led to one other, so here it is, [...]
Table for two – Marinated monkfish medallions with eggplant purée and lemon confit
111 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Table pour deux – Médaillons de lotte marinés aux épices, purée d’aubergine aux citrons confits
I realized this blog really lacks meat recipes, even though I cook it for clients every weeks, I don’t really eat it, (unless I am forced with a stick!!), I just taste it for seasoning, so I would say [...]