Posts tagged monkfish

A different kind of bourride – Bourride of monkfish, clams and shrimps
08 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Une bourride un peu différente – Bourride de lotte, coques et crevettes
Bourride is a Provencal dish, let’s say the cousin of bouillabaisse. It’s originally made out of monkfish. In this version, I added shrimps and clams and fennel in the broth. I love the combination of fennel and [...]

Table for two – Marinated monkfish medallions with eggplant purée and lemon confit
111 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Table pour deux – Médaillons de lotte marinés aux épices, purée d’aubergine aux citrons confits
I realized this blog really lacks meat recipes, even though I cook it for clients every weeks, I don’t really eat it, (unless I am forced with a stick!!), I just taste it for seasoning, so I would say [...]

Another version of pot-au-feu – Monkfish and cod Pot-au-Feu with orange-saffron broth
1115 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Pot-au-feu de la mer – Pot-au-feu de lotte et cabillaud à l’orange et saffran
Traditional Pot-au-feu in France is mainly a dish of boiled beef slowly cook in a broth with various vegetables such as carrots, celeri, leeks, onions, etc…and a bouquet garni which is a bunch of different herbs tied [...]