Posts tagged tuna
Some kind of salad niçoise
08 years ago
Un genre de salade niçoise
After my little trip to Portland, I came back very inspired, with lots of recipe ideas. I think I fell in love with the city, its beautiful trails and restaurant scene, not to mention the gorgeous neighborhoods with magnificent trees and greenery. Portland truly has [...]
A salad Niçoise unlike others – Salade Niçoise with broiled salmon skewer and tapenade tartine with poached egg
512 years ago
Une salade Niçoise pas comme les autres – Salade niçoise avec brochette de saumon grillé, et tartine de tapenade à l’oeuf poché
When you eat out, salades niçoises are always more or less the same, with minor variations from one restaurant to another…and often a little on the boring side. So after a [...]
Fast food my way – Grilled tuna steak on brussels sprouts quinoa and roasted bell pepper relish
413 years ago
Fast food à ma façon – Steak de thon grillé, vinaigrette aux poivrons grillés et roquette avec quinoa aux choux de Bruxelles
This is a recipe for those days you want to eat well and not spend a whole day in the kitchen. I can almost call this a fast food meal, and anything I classified in my [...]
Pan Bagnat revisited – Pan Bagnat sandwich or something similar with grilled pepper tuna
1015 years ago
Pan Bagnat revisité – Pan bagnat et thon grillé au poivre ou quelque chose dans le genre
Sandwiches are not my favorite food, I very rarely eat sandwiches, almost never…but on Sundays I sometimes go to “Le Garage” in Sausalito for brunch (a little touristy town across the Golden Gate bridge), it’s [...]
Grilled pepper tuna steak with parsley-lemon pesto and medley of vegetables
315 years ago
Steak de thon grillé au poivre avec pesto de persil et citron – mélange de légumes et pois chiches
I don’t know about you, but I cannot get tired of eating fish and seafood. Ideally, I would like to become a complete vegetarian and stop contributing to the pollution of our planet by consuming [...]
We took out the wok – Mahi Mahi with balsamic vinegar, fennel, basil and mint
915 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
On a sorti le wok – Mahi mahi au vinaigre balsamique, fenouil, basilic et menthe
Wok is a great cooking utensil, and I am planning on playing with it more often. The thing is that I tend to forget I have one, what a shame. The electric one is perfect to make chinese fondue and a the traditional [...]