Posts tagged fennel

Celery root purée, braised fennel and scallop with mango vinegar glaze
08 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Purée de celeri rave, fenouil braisé à l’orange et St Jacques au vinaigre de mangue
I haven’t celery rave in a long time, for no specific reason, maybe because I don’t enjoy peeling it. is that a good enough reason? maybe not.
In France we eat celery rave a lot, mainly in rémoulade. Rémoulade is [...]

A different kind of bourride – Bourride of monkfish, clams and shrimps
08 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Une bourride un peu différente – Bourride de lotte, coques et crevettes
Bourride is a Provencal dish, let’s say the cousin of bouillabaisse. It’s originally made out of monkfish. In this version, I added shrimps and clams and fennel in the broth. I love the combination of fennel and [...]

Grilled octopus, fennel and fava bean saute, roasted pepper salsa, mixed herb salsa
08 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Poulpe grillé sur lit de fenouil et fèves, coulis de poivrons grillés, et sauce aux fines herbes
Since I came back from Japan, I have been wanting to make Takoyaki which are Japanese octopus balls usually find in the streets of Japan and eaten as snacks. They are delightful (of course if you [...]

Who would have thought – Vegetable Pot-au-feu “du Sud”
111 years ago
Qui l’eût cru? Pot-au-feu végétarien du Sud
I remember reading about this recipe in a French magazine such as Femme Actuelle or Elle à Table, but it’s been a while ago and I don’t remember so I have been making it from memory, which is certainly not exactly the same as the original. It’s [...]

The crab lost his house – Soft shell crab with almond crust on grilled fennel and radicchio salad, cream of chick peas and capers
2714 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Le crabe a perdu sa maison – Crabes bleus en croûte d’amandes, sur lit de fenouil et trévise grillés, crème de pois chiches et câpres
Pardon my ignorance, I thought the soft crabs were a particular kind of specie…They’re apparently not. When I found out that they’re basically regular crabs that [...]

As cute as caviar – Black quinoa, adzuki beans salad with fennel, carrots and mushrooms
Aussi mignon que le caviar – Salade de quinoa et haricots adzuki, fenouil, carottes et champignons
I had bought some adzuki beans a while ago, yes I know there are so many kinds of beans, and this one is one among many others. It’s a bean mainly grown in the Himalayas and used in Asia in sweet [...]

Let's grill all of them – Grilled fennel salad with red onions, baby roma tomatoes – mustard capers dressing
2814 years ago
On va tous les griller – Salade de fenouils grillés, oignons rouges, tomates romaines naines – vinaigrette de moutarde et câpres
I am just wondering when allergy season will end, I think this year it’s been a bad year and I have to chose between allergy pills that will stop the itchy eyes, sneezes [...]

A happy match – Cream of fennel and cannellini beans with marinated feta tartine
Un mariage bienheureux – Crème de fenouil et haricots blancs, tartine de féta mariné
Fennel and cannellini is a very Mediterranean combination, then if you accompany it with feta, there is no more doubt about it. Fennel is perfect for soups and purées, and of course in so many other ways too. When [...]

The jealousy of the salmon – Salmon à l'orange on braised fennel
214 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
La jalousie du saumon – Saumon à l’orange sur fenouil braisé
The salmon got a little jealous and was raving to be coated with a citrusy orange sauce too, because he thought that not only canard can be made “à l’orange”, he was the perfect candidate for the title too…and he was. On peut faire plein [...]

For the Sunday lunch – Arugula, Shrimp, fennel and chick pea salad
1014 years ago
Per il pranzo della domenica – Insalata di gamberi, rucola, finocchio e ceci
Happy Valentine’s day to everyone! Joyeuse St. Valentin!
Valentine’s day is not only the celebration of love but also of friendship, so I think everyone is concerned. It seems like the celebration goes back to antiquity [...]