Posts tagged verrine


For lazy days – Quinoa, grilled zucchini, chickpeas en verrine with almond pesto and goat cheese

Pour les jours paresseux – Quinoa, courgettes grillées, pois chiches en verrine en couches de chèvre et pesto Yes, this is definitely a dish for one of those lazy days, not lazy “like sitting on the sofa”, but lazy “like not feeling to cook” but with a desire to eat something good. After waiting [...]

Not that "bête" – Verrines of golden beets with herbed ricotta

Pas si bêtes que ca – Verrines de betteraves, ricotta aux herbes I went for a little walk downtown today since my car did not run, the internet and the phone were completely dead, so I decided to take a day off rooming around the city. It had been a while I did not get the chance to do so and [...]

A little snow and sun in a glass – Yogurt mousse with mango vanilla compote

Un peu de neige et de soleil dans un verre – Mousse de yaourt à la compote de mangue et vanille Did it ever happen to you to really want a dessert but just something light, refreshing and fruity? no chocolate, no cake, no cream, just a light dessert? Well today that’s what I really wanted. I had [...]
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