Posts tagged goat cheese


Rock and Rolls purple rain – Rolls with chards and goat cheese, heirloom tomato dipping sauce

Rock and Rolls purple rain – Rouleaux aux blettes et chèvre, sauce aux tomates anciennes I consider those to be Mediterranean tapas, actually tapas don’t have to be Spanish, or do they? …a small bite can be a tapas in my opinion.  I am not too familiar with Spanish traditions but it seems like [...]

The fake crêpe readjusted – Socca stuffed with peppery greens, olives and goat cheese

La fausse crêpe réajustée – Socca farcie à la roquette, chicorée, olives et chèvre frais It looks like a crêpe, but is not one. It’s made out of chick pea flour and quite a popular little snack in the South of France. Actually there is an Italian version of it called “Farinata” or “Cecina”  [...]

The spaghetti from Mars – Spaghetti in a cream of asparagus and goat cheese

Gli spaghetti sono scesi da Marte – Spaghetti alla crema di asparagi e caprino Lately I have been a little inconsistent with my plans, I buy products to make a particular dish I have in mind, then I do something completely different with it. I wanted to make some asparagus mousse for canapé with [...]

Chilled soup to absolutely try – Watermelon and tomato gazpacho with goat cheese and basil

Soupe glacée à essayer absolument – Gaspacho de pastèque et tomates au chèvre et basilic Una zuppa fredda da fare assolutamente – Gaspacho d’anguria con pomodori, formaggio di capra e basilico If you like regular gazpacho, you’ll like this one too. I promise. At first, when I heard a friend had a [...]

Don't confuse it with a pizza – Tatin with tomatoes, ricotta salata, goat cheese and basil

Ne pas confondre avec une pizza – Tarte tatin facon pizza aux tomates confites, ricotta, chèvre, lardons, basilic et moutarde I really don’t like to throw food away…I had some leftover dough that I used to make the Tarpiz a few days ago and I thought it would be a shame to throw away that [...]
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