Posts tagged cod


Yes more bites – Cod-tofu bites with light harissa sauce

Si, si encore des bouchées – Bouchées de cabillaud-tofu, sauce harissa légère I know that some of you might think that woman at Citron et Vanille doesn’t make real food, those bites and tiny little things cannot satisfy a hunger, and does not seem like “food”. Real people want real food. I will [...]

To share with a girlfriend – Traditional Italian seafood stew from Fano

Per una cena tra amiche – Brodetto alla Fanese When two friends reunite around a huge pot of brodetto, it’s always a memorable evening…especially when both of them are craving fish and seafood. I grew up eating brodetto, my mom’s favorite. The city of Fano in Italy and that particular region, [...]

Quick and easy – Lavender cod with grilled fennel and potato salad, roasted tomato

Rapide et facile – Cabillaud au sel de lavande, salade de fenouil et pommes de terre grillées, tomate rôtie I had a very little time for lunch yesterday since I had a doctor’s appointment early in the afternoon. I currently have no car, looking to buy one, so public transportation here I come… I [...]

Another version of pot-au-feu – Monkfish and cod Pot-au-Feu with orange-saffron broth

Pot-au-feu de la mer – Pot-au-feu de lotte et cabillaud à l’orange et saffran Traditional Pot-au-feu in France is mainly a dish of boiled beef slowly cook in a broth with various vegetables such as carrots, celeri, leeks, onions, etc…and a bouquet garni which is a bunch of different herbs tied [...]

Someone suffocated the cod – Cod in parchment paper with zucchini, carrots and coconut milk with cauliflower purée

Quelqu’un a étouffé le cabillaud – Cabillaud en papillotte aux courgettes, carottes et lait de coco, avec purée de pomme de terres et chou fleur I really love fish in parchment paper, it makes a beautiful presentation, it keeps the fish moist and very flavorful. When you open up the papillotte, [...]
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