

Mango-Tango – Mango pudding with coconut milk and raspberries

Mango-Tango – Pudding de mangues au lait de coco et fraises Here is a refreshing pudding for the summer, filled with fruits and exotic flavors. My lovely neighbor Rui gave me this mango pudding a couple of months ago and I fell in love with it. This is an Asian dessert, served in many Chinese or [...]

Sunday treat – Vegan coconut-banana mini cakes for a fancy breakfast

Plaisir du dimanche – Gâteau végan à la banane et noix de coco pour un petit déjeûner gourmand I have always wanted to try to bake a vegan cake that tasted like a non-vegan cake, the great news is that this one tastes better than a non-vegan cake made with eggs and butter. This cake is so moist [...]

New variation – Verrine of mango and vanilla-pistachio couscous

Nouvelle variante – Verrine de mangue à la semoule vanillée et pistaches For people suffering from allergies, like me, it’s been a terrible spring in the Bay Area. Last year was mild compare to this one.  I think I tried every drug over-the counter at the local Walgreens, from antihistamines, to [...]

Light and lighter – Fromage blanc cake with strawberry sauce

Léger mais plus léger encore – Gâteau au fromage blanc avec coulis de fraises In France and mainly in the Eastern part of France, in a region called Alsace, which is bordering Germany, they make wonderful gâteaux and tartes au fromage blanc. They have their own version in Germany called [...]

Nancy’s flavor – Wet bergamot cake

Le parfum de Nancy – Gâteau mouillé à la begamote This is the second cake I made with bergamot, simply because they’re hard to find.  When I come back from Nancy (my hometown), I arrive in San Francisco with a head and mouth full of local flavors, and what most traditional than bergamot flavor? Les [...]

A thief in the kitchen – Mini vanilla polenta cake with rum roasted peach

Un voleur dans la cuisine – Mini gâteaux de polenta à la vanille et pêches rôties au rhum Who said that polenta only needs to be eaten in savory dishes? I was so excited about this dessert, that I have been thinking about it for days. Let’s also enjoy the peaches while they last, soon they’ll no [...]

Goodbye San Francisco – Crostata with blueberries and yogurt cream

Arrivederci San Francisco – crostata ai mirtilli con crema allo yogurt It’s time to take a little time off and go where the sun is always happy and shining, not the Caribbeans but Baja Mexico. California has been under a horrendous weather, it’s so cold that the heat is back in the house, I am [...]

Peach folie – Peach-mint soup and peach-rosemary bouchées

Folie de pêches – Soupe pêches-menthe et bouchées pêches-romarin This is only for those days you have a lot of peaches in your kitchen, lots of mint in your garden and a huge desire to eat peaches…berries and peaches are some of the fruits I don’t get tired of eating. When my Greek grocer next [...]

The entire Provence in a jar – Lavender yogurt with peach-apricot compote

Toute la Provence dans un pot – Yaourt à la lavande sur lit de pêche-abricot Lavender simply evokes Provence. Wherever I go, if I see lavender, that makes me think about the South of France but particularly about Provence, its wonderful lavender fields and cicadas singing. I adore Provence, its [...]

The palet Breton got dressed up – Pistachio palet breton dressed with mascarpone cream, raspberries and raspberry coulis

Le palet breton s’est habillé – Palet breton à la pistache garni de crème au mascarpone, framboises, et coulis de framboises Some days are a little more morose than others, and lately my mood has been affected by many things and partly by the San Francisco weather…I hate to talk about weather [...]
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