Posts tagged italian

Pistou or pesto – Minestrone soup with quinoa, shrimps and pistou
Pistou o pesto – Minestrone con quinoa, gamberi e “pistou” (e non pesto)
It’s been ages I haven’t made soup for myself, I’ve had no desire for soups whatsoever. Maybe with winter coming this way and cooler weather, this will change.
Simple traditional minestrone is delicious, hearty, filled with [...]

Hearty green risotto – Risotto with cream of broccoli
211 years ago
Risotto con crema al broccolo
You might say that this is not real risotto since it’s made with brown arborio rice, so as with any brown rices, you don’t get the creaminess of regular arborio. Honestly I love the texture of brown arborio, it’s chewiness, nutty flavor and wholesomeness. Of course, [...]

The real thing – Mascarpone
211 years ago
Usually I would never think of making cheese, because in my mind, it was something too complicated, something only cheese makers knew how to do.
This changed my mind. Living in the US, it’s sometimes difficult to find imported cheeses, such as mascarpone. In the past, stores like [...]

Wednesday treat – Passatelli with shrimps and sole sauce
112 years ago
Passatelli asciutti con gamberi e sogliola
Passatelli is a specialty from Romagna and Marche regions of Italy. It’s usually served in a broth (in brodo) or asciutti (dried) which means as a pasta dish and of course no broth. I grew up eating passatelli which was my mom’s favorite soup, but when [...]

Soup for the season – Split pea soup with pancetta
Zuppa di stagione – Zuppa di piselli spezzati con pancetta
I tried many versions of split pea soup and this one is my favorite. You can keep it vegan if you don’t add the pancetta at the end, so it’s versatile. You can use bacon instead of pancetta, or just nothing at all…it’s all up to you. I [...]

If you like coffee…- Coffee panna cotta with coffee-chocolate sauce
Se ti piace il caffè – Panna cotta al caffè con salsina al cioccolato
This panna cotta recipe has been inspired from this wonderful Italian blog called Giallo Zafferano – It’s filled with delicious and inventive recipes that are mouth-watering. For coffee lovers, this panna cotta will be a real [...]

Triffasù – Strawberry cup with mascarpone mousse and raspberry coulis
312 years ago
Coppa di fragole, con crema al mascarpone e coulis di lamponi
I was not sure how to translate coppa in English other than use the word cup…I am pretty sure there is a more accurate word for it…but nothing better came to my mind. I realized today that my English is getting worse while we were at a [...]

I heard it’s from Nice – Polenta and shrimp soup
1414 years ago
On dit que ca vient de Nice – Soupe de crevettes et polenta
I wish I could take the credit for this amazing soup, but unfortunately I cannot. I did change proportions of some ingredients but that’s the extent of my contribution to the recipe. One day going through my thick Mediterranean cookbook, [...]

A thief in the kitchen – Mini vanilla polenta cake with rum roasted peach
Un voleur dans la cuisine – Mini gâteaux de polenta à la vanille et pêches rôties au rhum
Who said that polenta only needs to be eaten in savory dishes? I was so excited about this dessert, that I have been thinking about it for days. Let’s also enjoy the peaches while they last, soon they’ll no [...]

Do you know how to play the guitar? – Farro Spaghetti “alla chitarra” with vegetable ragù and ricotta
3814 years ago
Sai suonare la chitarra? – Spaghetti di farro alla chitarra con salsa all’ortolana e ricotta
I am going back to my roots with this dish. Once in a while, it feels good to go back to old and traditional ways of cooking even if it it can be time consuming. Cooking being therapeutic for me (like for [...]