Posts tagged cream
The real thing – Mascarpone
211 years ago
Usually I would never think of making cheese, because in my mind, it was something too complicated, something only cheese makers knew how to do.
This changed my mind. Living in the US, it’s sometimes difficult to find imported cheeses, such as mascarpone. In the past, stores like [...]
If you like coffee…- Coffee panna cotta with coffee-chocolate sauce
Se ti piace il caffè – Panna cotta al caffè con salsina al cioccolato
This panna cotta recipe has been inspired from this wonderful Italian blog called Giallo Zafferano – It’s filled with delicious and inventive recipes that are mouth-watering. For coffee lovers, this panna cotta will be a real [...]
A gratin among others – Mussels and leek gratin with curry sauce
312 years ago
A gratin parmi tant d’autres – Gratin de moules et poireaux au curry
This is probably my last post before I fly to France, next week. I have to fly for family reasons and looking forward to it. June in France is my favorite month, the days are long and it’s still light until 10 pm. Since my mom [...]
Goodbye San Francisco – Crostata with blueberries and yogurt cream
Arrivederci San Francisco – crostata ai mirtilli con crema allo yogurt
It’s time to take a little time off and go where the sun is always happy and shining, not the Caribbeans but Baja Mexico. California has been under a horrendous weather, it’s so cold that the heat is back in the house, I am [...]
One spoon or two – Zabaglione with caramelized pears
Un cucchiaio o due – Zabaglione con pere caramellizzate
We are still in Italy with this dessert and it’s one of my favorite, I love anything creamy with vanilla but still light. Zabaglione or Zabaione, either way, is a dolce al cucchiaio, meaning a “spoon dessert” or a dessert to eat with a spoon [...]
A little tradition doesn't hurt… – Scallops in their "shells" with mussels, shrimps and cod with leeks and Cognac sauce
1015 years ago
Un peu de tradition ne fait pas de mal – Coquille de fruits de mer avec sauce poireaux et flambée au Cognac
Sometimes, you just have to treat yourself…today was my treat day and I really enjoyed it to the fullest. Treating for me has to do with seafood, so those wonderful coquilles (shells) made [...]