Posts tagged peas


Zucchini three ways – Farro with zucchini, shiitake, peas, zucchini cream and marinated zucchini ribbons

Trio de courgettes – Épeautre aux courgettes, champignons shiitake, pois, crème de courgettes, et courgettes marinées Today I am celebrating zucchini, this vegetable that is quite considered ordinary, with not a lot of character. It’s its day of glory (son jour de gloire) and it’s well deserved. [...]

Edamame and mung bean fettucine with cabbage, peas and shrimps

Fettucine di edamame e fagioli mungo, cavolo, piselli e gamberi Today I had to battle my demons, and stop obsessing about some terrible thing that happened recently, so I decided to try anything I could, and went for a long run. It did help somehow. After a few hours of running in circles, I [...]

Once it was a salad – Soup of lettuce and peas with herbs, cream of tarragon-chervil

Un jour, ce fût une salade – Soupe de laitue et pois aux herbes, crème d’estragon et cerfeuil This soup has been made with ingredients that could also be a salad. So if you are tired of lettuce salad, you can turn it into a delightful soup. Soups have a healing and cleansing effect and are so [...]

The other gnocchi – Polenta gnocchi with cherry tomatoes, mushrooms and peas

Gnocchi di polenta con pomodorini, funghi e piselli   I made these with leftover polenta that I didn’t want to throw away. When you think about all the food thrown away each year, it’s just unbelievable. I was reading an article on the French news stating that each French person throws away 79 [...]

Green peasant soup – Soup with artichokes, peas, lima beans and kale

Soupe paysanne verte – Soupe aux artichauts, haricots de lima, pois et chou vert I love simple dishes that are filled with delicious vegetables. This is a late spring, early summer soup when all the vegetables are available. It reminds me of some soups my mom made when I was a child with [...]

Pea and spinach soup with mint, poached egg

Soupe de pois frais et épinards à la menthe et oeuf poché Yesterday the lunch was light since we had been invited by our neighbor’s for the Chinese new year to a restaurant. Usually, if I know my dinner will be more substantial than usual, I balance it out with a light lunch. After all, it’s all [...]

Let’s celebrate spring – Linguini with fresh pea pesto, mint and pecorino

Festeggiamo la primavera – Linguine con pesto di piselli, menta e pecorino When you look at the ingredients of this pesto, you might think, it will be too strong especially with the mint and pecorino. When you taste it, you realize that it is indeed fragrant but delicate. I used some whole grain [...]

Rice timbale with artichokes and peas, parmesan and truffle oil

Riso ai carciofi, piselli, parmigiano e olio al tartufo After a trip to Italy and France where I got to see my whole family for once, I came back really inspired. We went to Cinque Terre (Liguria), then Tuscany (Lucca, Pisa, Firenze, San Gimignano and Pisa), then to my parents’ house situated in [...]

Baby wheat – Freekeh pilaf with roasted squash, peas and lemon oil

Le blé bébé – Freekeh pilaf avec courge rôtie, petit pois et huile de citron After a trip to Samiramis this weekend, one of my favorite Middle Eastern stores in the city, and after going through all the aisles, and through every product on the shelves (I have to refrain myself or I will buy all [...]

A different kind of basmati – Coral red basmati with mustard greens, peas and shrimps

Un basmati pas comme les autres – Basmati rouge corail aux crevettes, fanes de moutarde et pois I think by now I must have tried almost all the different kinds of rice on the market, going from basic to fancy. The funny thing is that I am not a big rice eater but when I see a kind I never tasted, [...]
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