

Honey roasted pear, tangerine mini madeleines and rose whipped cream

Poires rôties au miel et jus d’orange, mini madeleines à la tangerine et crème fouettée à leau de rose Another fruit based dessert, or snack or gourmandise, you name it. I might not have cooked much while in France, but I sure did buy a lot of kitchen gadgets, such as my silicon mini madeleines [...]

Simplissime – Banana, caramel and rum pudding

Simplissime – Pudding à la banane, caramel et rhum If you are not a cook, nor a pastry chef, this would be for you…How a dessert can more simple? Besides, it’s quite light, so in my book all the attributes to be called a perfect dessert. I think as a “petite chose sucrée“, a little sweet thing to [...]

Oeuf cocotte with spinach, shiitake, prosciutto and truffle oil

Oeufs cocotte aux épinards, shiitake, jambon de parme et huile de truffe noire I cooked a dinner last week for a lovely couple who wanted their dinner theme to be white Alba truffles. Out of six courses, three had truffles in it. The smell brought me back to my childhood….My father used to go look [...]

On the thumb – Green bean salad mimosa with herb-butter shrimp tartines

Sur le pouce – Salade de haricots verts mimosa et tartines de crevettes au beurre d’herbes Sur le pouce, is literally translated by “on the thumb”, je mange sur le pouce, or I eat on the thumb, which means eating fast. It originated in the XIX century when workers didn’t have time to eat, they cut [...]

Pâte à Choux, part II – Divine Chouquettes

Pâte à Choux, 2ème partie – Divines Chouquettes After gougères, I thought to continue with pâte à choux and make something special for the sweet tooth crowd: Des Chouquettes! It’s basically the sweet version of gougères with a sweet dough and sprinkled with pearl sugar. Chouqettes in France are as [...]

Sunday treat – Vegan coconut-banana mini cakes for a fancy breakfast

Plaisir du dimanche – Gâteau végan à la banane et noix de coco pour un petit déjeûner gourmand I have always wanted to try to bake a vegan cake that tasted like a non-vegan cake, the great news is that this one tastes better than a non-vegan cake made with eggs and butter. This cake is so moist [...]

Heidi’s starter – Baguette au levain

Le levain d’Heidi – Baguette au levain My lovely and adorable acupuncturist, Heidi gave me some starter that is supposedly 250 year old, can you imagine? Maybe Thomas Edison ate bread using the same starter…Heidi is amazing, she is not only a sweet and great doctor but she is an excellent baker. So [...]

New variation – Verrine of mango and vanilla-pistachio couscous

Nouvelle variante – Verrine de mangue à la semoule vanillée et pistaches For people suffering from allergies, like me, it’s been a terrible spring in the Bay Area. Last year was mild compare to this one.  I think I tried every drug over-the counter at the local Walgreens, from antihistamines, to [...]

Bread or brioche? – Raisin bread with a swirl

Pain ou brioche? – Pain au raisins en spirale I reconciled with cinnamon thanks to Rui, my lovely Japanese neighbor. I decided I didn’t like cinnamon after moving to the US, where cinnamon is used in almost every dessert. I think I had a cinnamon overdose and refused to eat anything where I could [...]

The entire Provence in a jar – Lavender yogurt with peach-apricot compote

Toute la Provence dans un pot – Yaourt à la lavande sur lit de pêche-abricot Lavender simply evokes Provence. Wherever I go, if I see lavender, that makes me think about the South of France but particularly about Provence, its wonderful lavender fields and cicadas singing. I adore Provence, its [...]
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