

I can play the mandoline – Zucchini tagliatelle with spicy chick pea tomato sauce

Posso suonare il mandolino – Tagliatelle di zucchine con salsa al pomodoro, ceci e origano I bought a new mandoline before I would slice a few of my fingers, one day I cut the tip of my index while shaving fennel and had to go to the emergency room, so my new mandoline is much better and safer, and [...]

A Goat in the kitchen – Cauliflower and leek gratin with goat milk

Une chèvre dans la cuisine – Gratin de chou fleur et poireaux au lait de chèvre I forgot how DMV can be a nightmare, waiting for your number 389 when the current number is 210 can be the story of an afternoon. So people bring balls to play with, and all kinds of entertainment to spend three to [...]

Fresh is so fresh – Eggplant caviar on tomato tartare and olive balsamic vinaigrette

Caviar d’aubergine sur tartare de tomates, vinaigrette d’olives noires et balsamique Caviar d’aubergine is a typical French dish, but it does not mean it includes caviar in its ingredient list, it’s basically a vegan dish if you don’t add the parmesan on top. Eggplant caviar is made out of [...]

Come here little turnip – Turnips stuffed with mushrooms, spinach, roquefort and walnuts

Petit navet, viens par ici – Navets farcis au champignons, épinards, roquefort et noix Aren’t those irresistible? Turnips tend to be forgotten as a vegetable, even though often used in soups. In France we eat turnips in so many ways, and we even use their leaves in soups. I love turnips, they [...]

Artichokes are back in town – Tagine of artichokes, chickpeas, potatoes, red peppers and olives

Les artichauts sont de retour – Tagine d’artichauts, pois chiches, pommes de terre, poivrons, et olives vertes It looks like artichoke season is starting and you see them come out on the shelves, one of the largest producer being close to the Bay Area in Castroville (they claim to be the artichoke [...]

Could it be oyster plant? – Simple salsifis salad

Simple salade de salsifis You probably don’t care about salsifis and there is nothing extraordinary about the recipe. It’s all about the salsifi. Sometimes I like to feature some unpopular vegetables like this one, it’s a root vegetable that people tend to forget like cardoon, so I thought to bring [...]

On the light side – Quick and fake vegetable moussaka

Du côté léger – Moussaka rapide aux lentilles This post is overdue, I started it before I went to Tel Aviv, but never managed to finish it, so after days of wonderful fresh food, I came back to France where the bad weather conditions made me want to go back to sunny Israel. There is definitely a [...]

Two friends in a pan – Radicchio and artichoke casserole

Due amici in padella – Radicchio di Chioggia e carciofi in teglia Radicchio al forno is a typical Northern Italian dish. I somehow added a little touch to it, by adding artichokes and topping it all with breadcrumbs, garlic and parsley. Artichokes and radicchio go perfectly well together, the [...]

The almost unknown vegetable – Cardoni "gratinés" with a tomato fondue, olives and parmesan

I cardoni di nonno Luigi – Cardoni gratinati con pomodori, olive e parmigiano I wanted to give a little “hommage” to this wonderful vegetable that seems to be unknown or almost unknown. Anytime I get to the cash register, either the cashier or the person in line behind me asks me about what those [...]

Just for fun – Zucchini flans with olives, feta and mint in a heirloom tomato vinaigrette

Juste pour s’amuser – Flan de courgettes, aux olives, feta et menthe à la vinaigrette de tomates anciennes You can make those just for the fun of it because they’re so easy and quick to make. Those cute flans have been always a favorite of mine and whoever tried them too. They are addictive and [...]
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