Posts tagged leeks


Fall colors – Soup of Spinach, broccoli, leeks with whole wheat orzo and mimolette

Couleurs d’Automne – Soupe aux épinards, broccoli et poireaux, aux risoni complets et mimolette Winter is soup time, and when I ran into mimolette, I could not resist. I had not seen Mimolette before in the US and I was so excited. I had planned to make a gratin, and a soup with it, but the cheese [...]

Another version of pot-au-feu – Monkfish and cod Pot-au-Feu with orange-saffron broth

Pot-au-feu de la mer – Pot-au-feu de lotte et cabillaud à l’orange et saffran Traditional Pot-au-feu in France is mainly a dish of boiled beef slowly cook in a broth with various vegetables such as carrots, celeri, leeks, onions, etc…and a bouquet garni which is a bunch of different herbs tied [...]

The "Three Tries" theory – Tofu "polpette" with curry, leeks, carrots and sesame – Avocado and tomato salad

La teoria delle “Tre Prove” – Polpette di tofu al curry con porri, carote, e grani di sesamo, insalatina di pomodori e avocado I heard so many terrible tofu complaints from so many people that I need to defend this poor little white thingy. I don’t want tofu to be the “forgotten” ingredient, and [...]

Automn Leaves – Sunburst squash and leek soup with oregano and yogurt, warm roquefort tartine

Les feuilles mortes – velouté de potimarron et poireaux à l’origan et yaourt, tartine chaude de roquefort I was listening to Yves Montand’s classic song “les Feuilles Mortes” translated by “Autumn Leaves” but it literally means “Dead Leaves” and it never fails, I get tears in my eyes…that song [...]

The sprout that did not want to be shredded – Shredded brussel sprouts with carrots, leaks and mustard seeds

Le chou qui ne voulait pas être émincé – Emincé de choux de Bruxelles aux poireaux, carottes et graines de moutarde Sometimes I like to cook the “undesirables” and find ways to make them more exciting. Brussels sprouts have not been the most favorite vegetables of French people, they are strong in [...]

Shrimps in a green blanket – Spinach Farrotto with garlic oyster mushrooms, leek-wrapped shrimps and basil jus

Crevettes en couverture verte – Epeautre vert facon risotto aux gambas enrobés de poireaux, pleurottes et jus de basilic Gamberi in coperta verde – “Farrotto” verde, con gamberi ai porri, funghi e sugo di basilico I always remember “Riso verde” green risotto I used to eat in Italy anytime I went [...]

Four cobs and a tomato – Corn and curry tomato soup

Quatres épis et une tomate – Soupe de maïs et tomates au curry  Creamy soups are great for a light dinner…I had bought this fresh sweet corn on the cob a while ago. Needless to say Americans love corn, you find cobs everywhere in any supermarket, so no need to buy corn in cans, the fresh one is so [...]
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