

Artichokes are back in town – Tagine of artichokes, chickpeas, potatoes, red peppers and olives

Les artichauts sont de retour – Tagine d’artichauts, pois chiches, pommes de terre, poivrons, et olives vertes It looks like artichoke season is starting and you see them come out on the shelves, one of the largest producer being close to the Bay Area in Castroville (they claim to be the artichoke [...]

Could it be oyster plant? – Simple salsifis salad

Simple salade de salsifis You probably don’t care about salsifis and there is nothing extraordinary about the recipe. It’s all about the salsifi. Sometimes I like to feature some unpopular vegetables like this one, it’s a root vegetable that people tend to forget like cardoon, so I thought to bring [...]

No soup for the holidays – Soup of cauliflower, chickpeas and quadretti

Zuppa con cavolfiore, ceci e quadretti I heard California got a lot of rain this season, all the news talked about it when I was in France and I heard it from my neighbors when I got back. The good things is that it’s clearing up. Eventhough France was very cold with -10C temperatures some days, [...]

Is it really Israeli? – Israeli couscous with curry vegetables

Est-ce vraiment Israélien? – Matfoul aux légumes et curry I discovered this type of couscous in the US. I had never seen it before, so I started experimenting with it when I had some Israeli clients. I was so happy I found something “Israeli” to cook for them, but when they told me it was not [...]

Two friends in a pan – Radicchio and artichoke casserole

Due amici in padella – Radicchio di Chioggia e carciofi in teglia Radicchio al forno is a typical Northern Italian dish. I somehow added a little touch to it, by adding artichokes and topping it all with breadcrumbs, garlic and parsley. Artichokes and radicchio go perfectly well together, the [...]

A wild side – Wild rice "à la forestière" with mushrooms, carrots and walnuts

Un côté sauvage – Riz sauvage à la forestière aux champignons, carottes et noix I haven’t realized Thanksgiving is coming soon, then I am leaving to visit my family in France shortly after, not sure I will have time to make it to Italy but we’ll see. It’s been one year I did not go home, and I am [...]

Alain Ducasse's dumplings – Steamed tomato and olive dumplings with soy-balsamic dipping sauce

Les ravioles d’Alain Ducasse – Ravioles de tomate et olives vapeur, sauce soja et balsamique Since I have been talking about alain Ducasse and that he is one of my favorite chefs,  and one of the most prestigious in France with its 14 Michelin stars, I thought to present one of his recipes that [...]

The "Three Tries" theory – Tofu "polpette" with curry, leeks, carrots and sesame – Avocado and tomato salad

La teoria delle “Tre Prove” – Polpette di tofu al curry con porri, carote, e grani di sesamo, insalatina di pomodori e avocado I heard so many terrible tofu complaints from so many people that I need to defend this poor little white thingy. I don’t want tofu to be the “forgotten” ingredient, and [...]

It's warm, it's flavorful, it's a salad – Warm quinoa salad, with cannelli beans, carrots and cauliflower with a four herb salsa

C’est tiède, c’est plein de saveur, c’est une salade – Salade tiède de quinoa aux carottes, cocos, chou fleur et salsa aux quatres herbes Today I said goodbye to my long time and faithful friend, my VW Golf I had for over 10 years, and that over the years turned into an old lady. I gave it to a [...]

The sprout that did not want to be shredded – Shredded brussel sprouts with carrots, leaks and mustard seeds

Le chou qui ne voulait pas être émincé – Emincé de choux de Bruxelles aux poireaux, carottes et graines de moutarde Sometimes I like to cook the “undesirables” and find ways to make them more exciting. Brussels sprouts have not been the most favorite vegetables of French people, they are strong in [...]
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