Posts tagged basmati

Rice timbale with artichokes and peas, parmesan and truffle oil
Riso ai carciofi, piselli, parmigiano e olio al tartufo
After a trip to Italy and France where I got to see my whole family for once, I came back really inspired.
We went to Cinque Terre (Liguria), then Tuscany (Lucca, Pisa, Firenze, San Gimignano and Pisa), then to my parents’ house situated in [...]

A different kind of basmati – Coral red basmati with mustard greens, peas and shrimps
1815 years ago
Un basmati pas comme les autres – Basmati rouge corail aux crevettes, fanes de moutarde et pois
I think by now I must have tried almost all the different kinds of rice on the market, going from basic to fancy. The funny thing is that I am not a big rice eater but when I see a kind I never tasted, [...]

A taste from far away – Shrimps in a coconut colombo sauce on spiced vanilla basmati rice
815 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
A goût qui vient de loin – Crevettes sauce colombo et noix de coco sur riz Basmati épicé à la vanille
The first interesting part of this dish is the rice…yes indeed. An Indian friend of mine who arrived straight from Cochin used to prepare this type of rice and I loved its subtle fragrance. So [...]