Posts tagged carrots


I ate all the fishes in the ocean – Mahi mahi fillet and candied lemon with cardamom on saffron rice with wilted dandelions

J’ai mangé tous les poissons de l’océan – Filets de mahi mahi au citron confit et à la cardamome sur riz saffrané et pissenlits sautés The funny thing is that if you look at the picture, you wouldn’t have any clue that under the rice, there is a layer of beautiful wilted dandelions. Even through [...]

Vegetables inside and out – Carrot tagliolini with zucchini-walnut pesto

Verdura fuori e dentro – Tagliolini di carote con pesto alle zucchine e noci More on the homemade vegetable pasta chapter… I am in my Italian cooking phase, I left French food aside and going back to my roots. Playing with pasta is a lot of fun. I love making homemade pasta, and having my hands [...]

For a Sunday brunch…or not – Mouillettes with heirloom tomato salad, rucola and pancetta wrapped yellow carrots

Pour le brunch du dimanche…ou pas – mouillettes avec salade de tomates, roquette, et carottes jaunes roulées à la pancetta In France we don’t have something called brunch, we either have breakfast or lunch. Brunch is an Anglo-saxon concept, and I like it. There is a restaurant in Sausalito (San [...]

It's warm, it's flavorful, it's a salad – Warm quinoa salad, with cannelli beans, carrots and cauliflower with a four herb salsa

C’est tiède, c’est plein de saveur, c’est une salade – Salade tiède de quinoa aux carottes, cocos, chou fleur et salsa aux quatres herbes Today I said goodbye to my long time and faithful friend, my VW Golf I had for over 10 years, and that over the years turned into an old lady. I gave it to a [...]

The salmon wants to be a chicken – Sesame ginger grilled salmon with mixed salad lemon cilantro dressing

Le saumon qui voulait être une aiguillette – Aiguillettes de saumon au sésame marinées au gingembre et soja, salade mixte à la vinaigrette de citron et coriandre After coming back from New Orleans, I stuffed my fridge with fish and seafood, and it’s almost reaching to an end…I feel so much better [...]

Someone suffocated the cod – Cod in parchment paper with zucchini, carrots and coconut milk with cauliflower purée

Quelqu’un a étouffé le cabillaud – Cabillaud en papillotte aux courgettes, carottes et lait de coco, avec purée de pomme de terres et chou fleur I really love fish in parchment paper, it makes a beautiful presentation, it keeps the fish moist and very flavorful. When you open up the papillotte, [...]

The sprout that did not want to be shredded – Shredded brussel sprouts with carrots, leaks and mustard seeds

Le chou qui ne voulait pas être émincé – Emincé de choux de Bruxelles aux poireaux, carottes et graines de moutarde Sometimes I like to cook the “undesirables” and find ways to make them more exciting. Brussels sprouts have not been the most favorite vegetables of French people, they are strong in [...]

A little craving for quinoa – Spicy quinoa with asparagus, peas and carrots

Une petite envie de quinoa – Quinoa épicé aux asperges, pois et carottes A little quinoa bowl is enough for a light dinner with a salad. Especially that today I did not have any energy whatsoever. Muggy and awfully grey weather, friends moving out of the Bay Area, is not helping with the [...]
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