Posts tagged soup


Ready for a chill? – Chilled avocado and cucumber soup

Prêts pour l’été? – Soupe d’avocat et concombre froide pimentée Il y a du citron mais pas de vanille! Doesn’t this feel like summer? I am so ready for it…well a real summer somewhere…where it’s warm and sunny, where you can wear tank tops without a sweater on top, and where the fog doesn’t make [...]

Peasant Soup – Minestrone soup

Minestrone di verdura Dachary Carey of The Peasant Chef, asked me if I would be interested in a guest post discussing healthy food, organic and local raised products and why I decided to be a chef. I thought that Peasant Chef was really in line with my values and beliefs and without hesitation [...]

No soup for the holidays – Soup of cauliflower, chickpeas and quadretti

Zuppa con cavolfiore, ceci e quadretti I heard California got a lot of rain this season, all the news talked about it when I was in France and I heard it from my neighbors when I got back. The good things is that it’s clearing up. Eventhough France was very cold with -10C temperatures some days, [...]

Fall colors – Soup of Spinach, broccoli, leeks with whole wheat orzo and mimolette

Couleurs d’Automne – Soupe aux épinards, broccoli et poireaux, aux risoni complets et mimolette Winter is soup time, and when I ran into mimolette, I could not resist. I had not seen Mimolette before in the US and I was so excited. I had planned to make a gratin, and a soup with it, but the cheese [...]

A soup for my new cocotte! – Brussels sprouts, potatoes and mushroom velouté

Une soupe pour ma nouvelle cocotte! – Velouté de choux de Bruxelles, pommes de terre et champignons I have already made Brussels sprouts soup with cannelli beans a while ago, this is another version that is as good as the other one, just a little greener. I prefer Brussels sprouts in soups than as [...]

Where are your roots? – Root vegetable soup with turnip chips and tarragon cream

Où sont vos racines? – Soupe de légumes racine aux chips de navets et crème d’estragon I got a little sick this weekend, another weird migraine that made me drained, so anytime I get sick, I like to eat soups…I know I made one not that long ago, but when I feel sick, soups are great to get [...]

It's raining soup! – Red rice soup with spinach, watercress, carrots and mushrooms

Il pleut de la soupe! – Potage aux épinards, cresson, champignons, carottes et riz rouge After the fog, the rain…yes I heard more is coming our way. Today was so rainy and windy, that the wind broke my brand new umbrella! In Europe, people have this particular image about California that it’s such [...]

Bitter and sweet – Belgian endive velouté with orange shrimps

Douce et amère – Velouté d’endives aux crevettes Endive also called chicon in Belgium and Northern France is often used in French cooking and is such a creative vegetable. You can use it as a salad, soup, gratin, tarte, braised, and so many other ways. It is also high in magnesium, phosphorus, [...]

The drunken melon – Tuscan melon soup with yogurt and white port

On a saoulé le melon! – Soupe de melon au yaourt et porto blanc I got inspired by my mom’s traditional appetizer she loves to serve in summer which are called melon au porto, a quite delicious way to serve melon. In France we have those small round melons called melons Charentais, which are grown [...]

Chilled soup to absolutely try – Watermelon and tomato gazpacho with goat cheese and basil

Soupe glacée à essayer absolument – Gaspacho de pastèque et tomates au chèvre et basilic Una zuppa fredda da fare assolutamente – Gaspacho d’anguria con pomodori, formaggio di capra e basilico If you like regular gazpacho, you’ll like this one too. I promise. At first, when I heard a friend had a [...]
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