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Posts by silvia

Mediterranean tofu cakes with warm roasted pepper, eggplant salad and green olive tapenade

Galettes Mediterranéennes de tofu, salade tiède de poivrons et aubergines grillés, tapenade d’olives vertes Originally, I had something else in mind, I wanted to use this tofu as the stuffing of some filo dough triangles. Unfortunately, sometimes things change…since I had no filo dough in my [...]

Saffron quinoa galettes with herbs, butternut squash purée

Galettes de quinoa au saffran et herbes, purée de courge butternut I had some leftover saffron quinoa that I didn’t want to throw away but I didn’t want to eat either. Obviously the choices were limited…so I used the quinoa to make galettes. I figured it would be a nice balanced meal with a [...]

Arugula salad with beets, blood orange and walnuts, citrus vinaigrette

Salade de roquette aux betteraves, oranges sanguines et noix – Vinaigrette d’agrumes I love this salad, it’s fresh, fragrant and in my opinion has a lot of character due to its vibrant colors and bold flavors. I made it a few weeks ago, then never posted it. All kind of oranges are in season right [...]

Salmon à l’unilatérale, cauliflower purée and warm Moroccan carrot salad

Saumon à l’unilatérale, purée de chou fleur, et salade tiède de carottes à la marocaine This is a very easy and simple dish, fast to make, less than 30 minutes, and light. It’s one of those dishes I prepare when I have little time but still want to feel nourished. It would fit in the “fast [...]

Deep Purple – Celery root and Okinawan purple potato soup with crayfish

Deep Purple – Soupe de celeri rave et pommes de terre Okinawa aux écrevisses   Celery root reminds me of France and its Celeri Rémoulade…which is raw shredded celery root salad with mayonnaise. Not that I particularly like mayonnaise on salad but I love celery root flavor. A while ago, my Japanese [...]

Rustic galette of red wine poached pears and Luna pepper

Galette rustique aux poires pochées au vin rouge et poivre la luna Originally this was supposed to be just poached pears in spicy red wine topped with this magnificient pepper…then after some more thoughts, I decided to add a crust under the pears and make it a galette, a rugged and peasant [...]

Once it was a salad – Soup of lettuce and peas with herbs, cream of tarragon-chervil

Un jour, ce fût une salade – Soupe de laitue et pois aux herbes, crème d’estragon et cerfeuil This soup has been made with ingredients that could also be a salad. So if you are tired of lettuce salad, you can turn it into a delightful soup. Soups have a healing and cleansing effect and are so [...]

Poached black plums in a spicy mint and verbena tea syrup

Prunes pochées dans un sirop épicé de thé à la menthe-verveine This post has been long overdue…I made those plums in fall, so when they were in season, then never got the chance to post it. With my trip to France and work schedule, everything got delayed and now it’s November and the plums are [...]

It’s simplicity itself – Cod with almon crust, beet coulis and cucumber-mint salad

C’est la simplicité même – Cabillaud en croute d’amandes, coulis de betterave et salade de concombre I like simple things in general, and a simple life filled with flavors and colors. When things get too complex, in my life or in my plate, it turns into chaos and I get confused. As Leonardo da [...]

Lentils and carrot mash with roasted butternut squash and tahini sauce

Ecrasée de lentilles et carottes et courge butternut rôtie, sauce tahini A clean and healthy meal to end the week…which I have to say has been kind and sweet. I am planning my trip to France with a few healthy recipes to bring along for my parents, and especially my mom who has diabetes. My [...]
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