Vegetarian – dairy


We dressed up the beets – Beets stuffed with goat cheese, walnuts and garlic on a bed of kale vinaigrette

On a habillé les betteraves – Betteraves farcies au chèvre, ail et noix sur lit de chou vert vinaigrette I am not used to eating beets in hot preparations, and I wanted to explore this further. Sometimes, you are so used to eating things in a certain way, that the thought of changing ways makes [...]

Treadmill thoughts with Laurent – Lentils, roasted red pepper and kale salad with Labne tartine and eggplant purée

Recettes du tapis roulant avec Laurent – Salade de lentilles, aux poivrons grillés et chou vert – tartine de labne et purée d’aubergines My friend Laurent is French but he grew up in Tunis ( we keep each other company on the treadmill in the mornings), always shares with me his childhood memories [...]

So French – Gougères with comté cheese and thyme

Si Français – Gougères au comté et thym These are one of those delicious appetizers that are so good, so easy to make, that everyone loves, but yet, I never think of making them. So I figure by posting them on my blog, it will make me remember that they shall not be forgotten! Gougères are a [...]

Cocotte of rainy days – Oeuf cocotte with endives and morbier cheese

La cocotte des jours pluvieux – Oeuf cocotte aux endives et morbier I made these oeufs cocotte while I was back in France last June, the days were long, day light lasted until 10:30 pm. I love the month of June, it’s the longest and the most exciting of all the months where people have not left [...]

Why not? – Spaghetti squash with artichoke pesto

Perchè no? – Zucca spaghetti con pesto ai carciofini Crushing these gorgeous baby artichokes into a pesto broke my heart. I have always wanted to make artichoke pesto but never really managed to turn the artichokes into a paste. They’re so cute and delicious as hearts that really putting them [...]

Spring, here we are – Grilled beets, sweet potato and haloumi kebabs with arugula-lime dipping sauce

Printemps, nous voilà – Brochettes grillées de betteraves, patates douces et haloumi, sauce de roquette et citron vert Who said kekabs have to be with meat? you can do anything you usually do with meat using vegetables, some vegetables are more adapted to certain cooking methods, but are [...]

Kale is in fashion – Spicy kale and chick peas with tzatziki

La mode du chou frisé – Chou frisé aux pois chiches épices et tzatziki Originally I wanted to keep this vegan, then I could not resist to use that beautiful Greek yogurt I had in the refrigerator. Kale is quite THE popular vegetable these days, at least in California, and everyone talks about [...]

Vincent and his “lait ribot” – Wild mushrooms, rutabagas quiche with farmer’s cheese and buttermilk

Vincent et son lait Ribot – Quiche aux champignons sauvages, rutabagas, fromage frais et lait ribot I made this post, essentially for Vincent (oui rien que pour toi!), our dear friend from Bretagne (Brittany) and originally from a small town of Malestroit who introduced me to lait ribot very [...]

For lazy days – Quinoa, grilled zucchini, chickpeas en verrine with almond pesto and goat cheese

Pour les jours paresseux – Quinoa, courgettes grillées, pois chiches en verrine en couches de chèvre et pesto Yes, this is definitely a dish for one of those lazy days, not lazy “like sitting on the sofa”, but lazy “like not feeling to cook” but with a desire to eat something good. After waiting [...]

Get a pillow and take a nap – Pillows with fava beans, asparagus and goat cheese

Prend un oreiller et fais une sieste – Coussins de filo aux fèves, asperges et chèvre I could definitely sleep on top of those stuffed pillows, they’re warm and smell so good. For a long time, I didn’t like to manipulate filo dough, it was either drying too fast, or breaking, so I got annoyed with [...]
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