Posts tagged Recipes
The little trendy appetizer – Pear crumble with roquefort cheese and hazelnuts
815 years ago
La petite entrée à la mode – Crumble de poires, roquefort et noisettes
Crumbles are quite trendy in France right now, I think anything with an anglo-saxon name is… Last time I was there, I noticed a few American items such as muffins, crumbles, brownies, cookies, (not to mention hamburgers au [...]
One unexpected gratin – Gratin with spaghetti squash, potatoes, tomatoes, gruyère, parmesan and basil
915 years ago
Un gratin inattendu – gratin de courge spaghetti, tomates, pommes de terre, gruyère, parmesan et basilic
Now I know that this might be a little too much of spaghetti squash in just a couple of days. I was not planning on writing a blog about it, I took the pictures, just in case…then after eating [...]
For a Sunday brunch…or not – Mouillettes with heirloom tomato salad, rucola and pancetta wrapped yellow carrots
415 years ago
Pour le brunch du dimanche…ou pas – mouillettes avec salade de tomates, roquette, et carottes jaunes roulées à la pancetta
In France we don’t have something called brunch, we either have breakfast or lunch. Brunch is an Anglo-saxon concept, and I like it.
There is a restaurant in Sausalito (San [...]
Spaghetti squash got squashed – Pancakes of spaghetti squash with feta and oregano
2015 years ago
On a écrasé la courge! – Galettes de courge spaghetti à la feta et origan
I love galettes, or pancakes, or anything that has vegetables in it and that looks like a flat crêpe. Spaghetti squash is a great vegetable to prepare yet not very popular. You can make so many different dishes and in so [...]
A small je ne sais quoi – Ricotta cake with honey, raisins, cranberries, candied orange, and spices
715 years ago
Un petit goût de pain d’épices qui me plait bien – Gâteau de ricotta au miel, raisins secs, oranges confites et épices
This has been something that arrived out of the blue after a crazy wedding weekend…ricotta is an ingredient I like to put everywhere, and I love it particularly in desserts.
On [...]
Summer is just starting in San Francisco – Mâche salad with fennel, oranges and olives with citrus vinaigrette
L’été vient de commencer à San Francisco - Salade de mâche, fenouil et oranges à la vinaigrette d’agrumes
I was wondering why americans are not too fond of fennel and anis, liquorice, etc…Maybe it’s a flavor they were not used to growing up. I don’t know. The first time I tasted a mango, a [...]
Round and spicy – Stuffed round zucchini with curried lentils
315 years ago
Rondes et épicées – Courgettes rondes farcies de lentilles au curry
Another version of stuffed zucchini, those are the round kind and this recipe has a little exotic twist with the curry and other spices in it. I think this kind of zucchini is really made to be stuffed, they have a very inviting [...]
The tartine that works an appetite – Salmon tartine with a ginger, caper, mustard and herb dressing
615 years ago
La tartine qui met en appétit – Tartine de saumon au gingembre, câpres, et herbes mixtes
After a beautiful and sunny day, we are back to the grisaille, which literally translates to “greyness”, the good thing about this type of weather is that you can stay home and cook. hat would be the positive [...]
When you feel like crab again – Crab and shrimp cakes with tarragon and capers on a bed of spaghetti-shaped cucumber salad
1015 years ago
Quand on a encore envie de crabe – Croquettes de crabe et crevettes à l’estragon et câpres sur un lit de concombre spaghetti
Well it might no longer be crab season, but I have urges of a pregnant woman when it has to do with food. Anytime I see crab, I cannot help and buy some. I am a big [...]
Mediterranean style – Grilled stuffed squid on mizuna salad with grapefruit and wild fennel vinaigrette
315 years ago
A petit goût de Mediterrannée – Encornets grillés sur salade de mizuna et vinaigrette de pamplemousse et fenouil sauvage
When I go grocery shopping and I end up in the fish section, I cannot resist to buy seafood, especially when it’s fresh. I found those at the Berkeley bowl last week and they [...]