Posts tagged Recipes


Someone suffocated the cod – Cod in parchment paper with zucchini, carrots and coconut milk with cauliflower purée

Quelqu’un a étouffé le cabillaud – Cabillaud en papillotte aux courgettes, carottes et lait de coco, avec purée de pomme de terres et chou fleur I really love fish in parchment paper, it makes a beautiful presentation, it keeps the fish moist and very flavorful. When you open up the papillotte, [...]

A cozy nest – quail eggs in purple potato nest with smoked salmon, chive sauce on a bed of lemon greens

Un nid bien douillet – oeufs de caille en nid de vitelotte et saumon fumé, sauce ciboulette sur verdures melangées au citron Quail eggs…have you ever seen something cuter? They’re very popular in France to add to any appetizer but unfortunately they are not available everywhere in the US. Whole [...]

Just a little plate and that’s it!- Spicy chicken balls in curry coconut milk and minty green beans

Un petit plat et c’est tout! – boulettes de poulet épicées au lait de coco et curry, haricots verts à la menthe In France we say that to stay thin, you cannot have more than one serving and we believe that if you can resist temptation, and only go for the first round, you will stay thin and [...]

More pesto adventures – Fake tacconi with rucola-pistachio pesto and asparagus

Ancora una storia di pesto – Tacconi finti con pesto di rucola-pistacchi e asparagi I have been thinking about this recipe for a while that my grandmother used to make when I was a child, called tacconi. I loved those so much, because they’re always remained a little crunchy and I have always [...]

The sprout that did not want to be shredded – Shredded brussel sprouts with carrots, leaks and mustard seeds

Le chou qui ne voulait pas être émincé – Emincé de choux de Bruxelles aux poireaux, carottes et graines de moutarde Sometimes I like to cook the “undesirables” and find ways to make them more exciting. Brussels sprouts have not been the most favorite vegetables of French people, they are strong in [...]

Like a little boat – Stuffed zucchini with millet, spinach, parmesan and herbs

Comme un petit bateau – Courgettes farcies au millet, épinards, parmesan et herbes I don’t know why I am not a fan of stuffed vegetables, it is something I quite never had a great pleasure eating and I really cannot understand why. Maybe because they remind me of my childhood: the stuffed [...]

C'est si bon… – Asparagus flan, sesame-thyme chicken and herb coulis

C’est si bon… – Flan d’asperges, poulet pané au sésame et thym, coulis d’herbes I haven’t posted anything lately…I was tired and sick for about a week, let’s not pretend the San Francisco summer weather has nothing to do with it. It’s been muggy, foggy and obviously very gloomy, and that really [...]

Lentil and Shrimp simple story – Split pea soup, lentils with shrimps and pistachio cilantro pesto

Une histoire toute simple de lentilles et de crevettes – Soupe de lentilles et pois cassés au crevettes et pesto de pistaches, coriandre et persil It’s a nice and cute story of lentils and shrimps, but then many other ingredients got involved…and we have a nice and complex soup filled with [...]

Shrimps in a green blanket – Spinach Farrotto with garlic oyster mushrooms, leek-wrapped shrimps and basil jus

Crevettes en couverture verte – Epeautre vert facon risotto aux gambas enrobés de poireaux, pleurottes et jus de basilic Gamberi in coperta verde – “Farrotto” verde, con gamberi ai porri, funghi e sugo di basilico I always remember “Riso verde” green risotto I used to eat in Italy anytime I went [...]

A little snow and sun in a glass – Yogurt mousse with mango vanilla compote

Un peu de neige et de soleil dans un verre – Mousse de yaourt à la compote de mangue et vanille Did it ever happen to you to really want a dessert but just something light, refreshing and fruity? no chocolate, no cake, no cream, just a light dessert? Well today that’s what I really wanted. I had [...]
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