Express – Less than 30 minutes


Croquettes or galettes? – Cod croquettes, with carrots ribbons and yogurt-capers sauce

Croquettes ou galettes? – Croquettes de cabillaud, tagliatelles de carottes et sauce yaourt câpres-moutarde I could not decide on what to call those…either croquettes or galettes which in the French culinary world mean slightly different things. Croquette come from the verb “croquer” which means [...]

Deliciously vegan – Grilled king oyster mushrooms, lentils-quinoa and miso sauce

Délicieusement vegan – Pleurottes géantes grillées, lentilles-quinoa et sauce miso épicée This will be my favorite dish for some time. The inspiration came from a dish I ate in a restaurant in Healdsburg where grilled mushrooms were served with fried quinoa, poached egg and miso sauce. I changed [...]

When the sun is hiding – Broccoli, cumin and feta galettes, saute kale, butter bean avocado salad

Quand le soleil se cache – Galettes de brocoli au cumin et feta, salade de haricots, avocat à la menthe Believe it or not, this dish belongs to the express category. Today feeling exhausted and hungry, and not in the best mood, probably because of a foggy weather (San Francisco weather in the [...]

Best friends – Banana, chocolate and coconut rolls

Meilleurs amis – Rouleaux de brick à la banane, chocolat, noix de coco et pistaches Quel est le meilleur ami de la banane si ce n’est que le chocolat? What’s banana’s best friend other than chocolate? During my trip to France, I brought back some brick sheets. Here is some more info on those [...]

Quinoa pudding with raisins and pineapple-mint salsa

Quinoa façon riz au lait aux raisins secs et salsa d’ananas à la menthe   That is one is now one of my new favorite desserts. I have a few favorite desserts despite my non sweet tooth, and this one certainly is on the list. I was skeptical before starting this recipe, I thought the quinoa flavor [...]

To start or end the week with happiness – Herb and walnut breaded salmon with broccoli salsa

Pour commencer la semaine ou la finir en gaieté – Saumon pané aux noix et herbes, salsa de brocolis Here I am, in France again visiting my parents. I made this recipe while in the US a while ago and never managed to finish it. So I figured to post it from France even if it has nothing to do with [...]

Some kind of fast food – Chickpea, red pepper and herb salad with grilled haloumi

Un genre de fast food – Salade de pois chiches et poivrons aux herbes et haloumi   When I go to the store, I buy everything I get attracted to, so when I go to the store hungry, I get attracted to everything in the store. That’s what they say don’t go shopping when you’re hungry, which is [...]

Happy lunch – Stuffed Branzino

Pranzino felicissimo – Branzino ripieno I don’t know you, but a good meal,”me met de bonne humeur“! It totally makes me happy, and lifts up my mood…since Mr. F is traveling to Europe for a couple of weeks, I am taking this time off to treat myself with meals I love, just like this one. I love to [...]

The soup we like, a little, a lot, passionately, …. – Plantain and mango soup with vanilla and rum

La soupe qu’on aime, un peu, beaucoup, passionnément, …. – Soupe de banane plantain et mangues à la vanille et rhum   One recipe adapted from “La Bonne Cuisine Végétarienne de Babette” with a creole inspiration. Who doesn’t like rum, vanilla and orange juice? I have never really cooked plantains [...]

Rustic dish – Polenta gnocchi with vegetable ragù and ricotta salata

Piatto rustico – gnocchi di polenta con ragù di verdura e ricotta salata   Let’s pursue our polenta adventures with this rustic dish that can be made with leftover polenta. I don’t like to throw away food, but I don’t like to eat something that is leftover just because it’s a leftover, it needs [...]
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